Sweet Revenge Wild Strawberry Sour Mash Liqueur

750ml Bottle

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    Sweet Revenge
    Independence Spirits Company, LLC
    35.5% Alcohol
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    Product Description

    Sweet Revenge Wild Strawberry Sour Mash Whiskey Liqueur has made with real American whiskey. It has a rosy-pink color that hides its sharp bite. It has proudly made in the USA using only the most excellent natural flavors, like wild strawberry and tangy citrus, to produce a combination of bold flavors taste buds have only dreamed about.

    Sweet Revenge Wild Strawberry Liqueur has a show-stopping shade of pink, but don't be fooled by its rosy appearance-though she's sweet and juicy upfront, she's got a raw, rocking, high-proof finish. Sweet yet rockin' and packing a 77 proof (35.5% alcohol by volume) of the smooth intensity; it dares you to find any other liqueur that's as sinfully delicious. It is best served straight from her square-jawed bottle, as a shot or on the rocks. She's all-American, she's bold, and she's sinfully delicious. Enjoy!